12 Steps Toward Inclusion
In my signature Inclusion 101 presentation, I use hip-hop, humor, and scholarship as tools to enchant participants and demonstrate the ways in which diversity, equity, and inclusion can be empowering and exciting.
How do we move through our socialization around difference toward connectedness? How do we leverage that connectedness toward Equity? Allyship is not about the Other. It’s our unselfish, inner journey toward social impact in the greater world.
Participants explore bias, prejudice, discrimination, and oppression, alongside love and compassion, to gain a deeper understanding of racism and racial equity. Similarly, participants examine the Allyship Spectrum and other everyday actions they can take to positively impact others.
While people of any composition are allowed equal treatment under US law, do Black Americans occupy the same space as White Americans? Hurricane Katrina, the Digital Divide, the death of Trayvon Martin, and the Federal abandonment of (un)affordable housing in big-city America, all shed light on the ways in which “space is proscribed, denied, and ascribed” for people of African descent living in the US.
As a former resident in affordable housing, I use scholarship, personal narratives, and spoken word to highlight the ongoing quest for equity and inclusion in America. By exploring Blackness and Space, I offer a timely understanding of the structural and systemic issues that underpin what it means to be American.